As part of iLife, iPhoto packs many useful features, most of which are visible to the user, though some are hidden. To access the hidden tools that are included in iPhoto:
- Hold down the Control, Caps Lock, and 9 keys when you have iPhoto open. Then hit the Tab key while using the Red Eye tool or the Retouch tool.
- You should get a green looking oval cross hairs while using the Red Eye tool.
- If you’re using the Retouch tool, you should see a small circle with a dotted edge.
- You can change the size of the Retouch circle tool and the Red Eye oval tool by using the “{” “}” keys.
- To change the effect of the Retouch circle tool hold down the Shift key with the “{” “}” keys.
- Hit the Tab key more than one time with the Retouch tool and you can change the effect to Lighten.