Web Developer & Photographer

One of the most common items on my to-do lists is organizing. Luckily, there are many ways to organize your files in Mac OS X. One of the built-in features in Mac OS X, called Smart Folders, will organize any file into specific folders based on the type, the color label, the date is was created, and more. Since, I mainly use Smart Folders in iTunes and Mac OS X Mail, I’m going to mention how to add Smart Folders to Mac OS X Mail and Finder because I have already talked about how to do it in iTunes.

Making Smart Folders In Mac OS X Mail

  1. Go ahead and open up Mail.
  2. In the Mailbox menu, go down to New Smart Mailbox.
  3. If you want to make a folder with all of the email from a specific person, go to From, which is located in the first drop-down menu.
  4. Then, in the second drop-down menu go to Contains, and in the field beside Contains, type in the email address of the person.
  5. If there are multiple settings you would like to add to this Smart Folder, click on the plus sign.

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Making Smart Folders In Finder

  1. Go to Finder.
  2. In the File menu, go to New Smart Folder.
  3. Finder should show a new window with several options.
  4. To make a folder with only “.jpegs” in it for example, you choose Others… under the menu that says “Any” and type in ‘JPEG Image’.
  5. Once you’ve chosen your settings, click on the Save button to save the folder.

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