Web Developer & Photographer

As I have mentioned before, Safari is the web browser that I use the most. I really wished it’s tab feature worked like other browsers do, where you can switch between the tabs. I prefer using tabs when I’m in Safari because it saves lots of screen space. When I use tabbed browsing, I want to see each tab, so I just click on the individual tab itself to view it. That can become a nuisance, especially when I’m visiting multiple websites. To do tab switching in Safari:

  1. Open up Safari.
  2. Go to Preferences under the Safari menu.
  3. In the Preferences window, go to the Tabs section and make sure “Enable Tabbed Browsing” is checked off.
  4. Use the Shift and ⌘ (Command) keys with the “[” “]” keys or use Control + Tab to switch between browser-tabs.

screenshots: 1 2 3